Fri, Mar 1st, 2024

Week 5 In The Olden Days

In Week 5 in Mathematics we explored number bonds in particular numbers that combine to make 10, for example 6 and 4. You may like to consolidate these facts at home. The children also enjoyed role playing with some ‘Olden Days’ artefacts. We are looking forward to hearing all of the responses from the ‘Interview Your Grandparent’ sheet! A few things to note with homework. The spelling component of homework will be sent home each MONDAY. We encourage students to complete a spelling activity each night if possible. Spelling homework should be returned every FRIDAY. We stress that students try to read every night and again in the morning. Readers must be returned to school EVERY DAY, in the homework folder, so that they can be rotated daily. Thank you for supporting your child's learning.